I am so excited to be posting my 100th blog post! It's been beyond fun and has brung a little adventure in my life as I search for the best photo opportunities. This blog has also taught me some things about myself and has given me a different eye when looking at the world. I may not be a professional photographer but it doesn't give me any less joy while doing it. It just gives me that much more inspiration to do other things; like writing.
I thank anyone who has visited my blog up until this point and I hope you continue to do so.
I also owe big thanks to colorfulpen, because I wouldn't have started a blog if she hadn't encouraged me. And better half who has supported me. :)
Here's to 100 more posts!

Each morning brings a new day, a new idea.
Congratulations on your 100th post! Love the picture and effect. I'm glad you started your photo-a-day blog. Keep looking for those photo opportunities, and keep writing!